Welcome to St John’s Frankston North and St Luke’s Carrum Downs

Please join us for our Christmas services:
Christmas Eve 6pm at St Luke’s Carrum Downs Singing Christmas Carols. All kids welcome.
Christmas Eve 11 pm at St John’s Frankston North “Midnight” Holy Communion service
Christmas Day 9.30 am at St Luke’s Carrum Downs Holy Communion service
Normal Sunday service times are as follows:
St John’s Frankston North at 9 am
St Luke’s Carrum Downs at 10.30 am (with children’s ministry)
CHILD SAFETY St John’s/St Luke’s Parish Policy on Child Safety, in line with the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne, is a commitment to a safe environment for all children and vulnerable persons. All those working with children are trained in child safety and committed to carrying out its principles in all aspects of practice. If you have a concern contact the Child Safety Officer Cher 0418 325 167.
- Code of Conduct for Child Safety & Wellbeing
- Safe Ministry Policy
- For further information, see our Diocesan Policies page
Proclaiming Christ, celebrating life, building community
We consist of two churches:
St Luke’s Carrum Downs and St John’s Frankston North.
Our aim is to provide a friendly and accessible environment in which people can explore and celebrate the good news about Jesus Christ. We want to see people grow in their Christian faith and to help them be a peaceful and positive influence in the world. We have great confidence in the Gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Bible.
Carrum Downs and the surrounding areas are developing rapidly, so we place great importance on children’s, youth, and community-building ministries. We are keen to help people of all ages make connections between faith and daily life, both in our Sunday Services and through a range of groups and activities.
St John’s Anglican with St Luke’s is a great church with people from diverse backgrounds. Our mission is to help people become mature followers of Jesus Christ. In doing this we seek to model the love of Jesus and to live in every area of our lives according to his wisdom.
St Luke’s and St John’s are part of the Anglican Church of Australia. To find out more about the Anglican Church in Melbourne, go to www.melbourneanglican.org.au.

Upcoming Events
St. Luke’s Carrum Downs
65 William Rd
Carrum Downs 3201 VIC
St. John’s Frankston North
4 Monterey Blvd
Frankston North 3200 VIC